Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

I hope everyone is having (or had) a great Halloween!

Our favorite local bakery--Fire Island Bakery-- normally isn't open for dinner. However, in celebration of Halloween, they opened this evening and served pizza. We wanted to try their pizza-- ahh Pizzeria Bianco and Cibo, how we miss you!

Fire Island started serving at 5pm... so we were there at 3 minutes to. Ha! Not early enough!! First, apparently there was a possibility to pre-order-- not that anyone told us. They hadn't finished their pre-orders yet though... so we had to wait for them to fill all of those, before they'd take our order. Ugh. At any rate, 45 minutes later, we got a reindeer, spinach, Gruyere pizza and a 4 cheese pizza. The pizzas were worth the wait, but just barely. The deal was "sweetened" however by their ghostly cupcakes... sooo tasty and cute too.

Happy Halloween!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Te Vaka

Saturday night John and I went to see Te Vaka. They are a Pacific fusion group out of New Zealand. They were impressive. I particularly liked the drum songs. Some videos of their performances are on Youtube.

They're coming to Arizona too. They have a workshop on the 8th and a concert on the 10th. Go if you have a chance!! We had lots of fun.

First Snow & Puss in Boots

It's such a bother to have to change tires over seasonally. Last year we had to purchase the studded tires. Now we get to swap them back and forth-- oh joy! Of course, no one gives you a straight answer... At first, Johnson's Tires (where we bought the tires) told us that the change over would be free if we bought our tires there. But, that hasn't been the case. They say that's only true if both sets of tires are from them. Plus, then they told us it would be $50, but then it was actually $75--since we had only 1 set of rims. UGH! Anyway, we decided to call Costco and see if they would switch over the tires even though we hadn't purchased them there. They said they would.

We had planned to take the car to Costco to swap the tires first thing this morning. Unfortunately, we awoke to a blanket of snow-- which meant that we weren't going to be the only ones with this idea-- BOO! The car was slip-sliding away en route. We arrived there before 10am--when they opened. There were already 12-15 people in line. UGH!

The person I'd called told me that we had to go inside first to pay for it. So John went in and I stood in line. When he got inside, the person told him that he didn't need to pay for it first... instead, John needed to get the paper from the tire shop and then take it inside to pay. He came back out to the line. But then, someone said he did need the paperwork first-- so he went back in. Then we found out he didn't need it... so back out he came. Having fun yet? We weren't.

We finally got to the front of the line. And, lo and behold, they actually don't swap tires not purchased there. "But we called!" I pleaded. The manager pointed out the sign that said they wouldn't swap non-Costco purchased tires. We asked about buying one tire. He said we could buy a spare and that would qualify us to get the tires swapped. We got our appointment-- 1pm. We went in and bought the tire. The guy at sales said to return the tire in a couple days--since we weren't having it put on anyway. It was all silly, frankly, and incredibly frustrating too. But, the roads were so slick we didn't feel comfortable driving elsewhere.

John and I headed over to Denny's across the street for breakfast. We hadn't been to Denny's in years and years. I had banana pecan wheat pancakes that were actually quite tasty. That killed about an hour. We went back to drop off the keys and the guy said it would take an hour and a half AFTER our 1pm appointment to switch the tires (WHAT?!!). We were looking at 4 and a half hours at Costco. No thank you.

We lucked out. We called Joe. We had talked with him before about seeing a movie today. He was super nice and came to pick us up and take us to the movie. We saw "Puss in Boots". It was disappointing. Some cute references to fairy tales, but otherwise kind of slow and incongruous. It was way better than sitting at Costco though!!

We picked up our car and saw three accidents. Despite the hassle, we feel really lucky to get our tires changed over and to have had safe travels.

Bull Moose

On our way home from the Reindeer Farm, we spotted a bull moose in our neighborhood. It was just chilling out in our neighbor's yard.

Reindeer Farm

Yesterday John and I went to the Palmer Reindeer Farm with Sandra and her kids, Sarah and Ryan. They had a special weekend for Halloween. We wandered through the hay maze, pet and fed the reindeer, and one of the moose--Denali. We were trying to have our picture taken--but then Denali got a little too up-close with my hat! You can see my surprise! John also caught one reindeer's creative approach to scratching his itch. We had a great time. Link

Saturday, October 22, 2011

More Moosey Mooseness

I let Hayden out and she barked... which is VERY uncommon. When I went outside, there were 2 young moose... RIGHT outside-- this is across the alley from us. I captured some pictures.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Happy Fall!

Happy Fall! We're going to ignore the fact that I haven't written in almost two months and skip ahead to today. (I'll try to go back and fill in some of the void, but don't want to wait any longer.)

When I went to pick John up from work, I saw 2 moose. By the time we made it back to the neighborhood with the camera, there were 3!

The colors are beautiful right now, but quickly fading. The temperature this morning was 24 degrees. Yikes... we're rolling right through autumn.