Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer Deux

One of the other things we've done this summer (and, let's be honest, most summers) is see a lot of movies. In part, this has been because of John and Michael's new blog-- The Parsing Haus. On this blog, they share their reviews of recent movies. They're quite interesting (though full of "spoilers"--so be careful reading if you haven't yet seen the films).

This Summer

This summer is definitely not going according to plan. I'd envisioned a leisurely summer with me and John traveling lots around Alaska. I, obviously, didn't envision funerals and floods. And, while this summer hasn't gone as planned, I'm still having a fun time. It was great to be back in AZ--however briefly. I'm headed back there now-- to AZ and then to my family's homestead in WY with Grandpa, Uncle Brian, Dad, Margo, and Tracy. It should be fun.

One Year

As of June 21st, I have been in Alaska for a full year. So much for my year in Alaska!

As I look back over the last year, I'm amazed at all of the incredible experiences I've had.

The other day I saw one of the coolest things-- John and I were driving back to our temporary apartment when John spotted a moose in a meadowy ditch on the side of the road . I didn't see it--so I asked if we could go back. We went back, and this time ,as we drove past, it started galloping alongside us. It's really like seeing a horse on stilts! --not just the height, but the gaingliness too!

This year has been filled with new things, and I look forward to the year ahead.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Summer Solstice Festival

Downtown Anchorage hosted the Summer Solstice Festival today. We had a fun time people watching, art browsing, and wandering with Hayden. Here are a few pictures of amusing moments-- the "Duck Man" (who had a duck as a pet), a pick up converted into a giant Radio Flyer, and Hayden meeting a petting zoo sheep (the sheep wasn't sure what to make of Hayden's kisses).

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Just after 11am this morning, ghosts picked up my club chair and started jostling it. Okay, not ghosts, by that is what it felt like. It felt like a scene out of "Quick, get the plasma pack!" The other times I've experienced earthquakes, they've felt like a Giant stomping on the floor near me. This was more intense... and felt more like ghosts bobbing me around. They stopped within 20 seconds or so, though-- no Ghostbusters needed!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Up to Speed

I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. Things have been pretty nuts.

I wasn't ready to share previously, but my maternal grandfather died on May 29th. He had been ill, but he declined rapidly over the last week. John and I flew home Saturday, June 4th (a few days after the flood) and stayed for about a week to grieve with my family.

We also found out that the repairs to the apartment will take a few weeks and require us to move out. Ugh. We like our apartment and our landlords-- so we're moving back in, but have to be out for awhile. I emailed my coworkers about the situation and was so touched by all the thoughtful responses. Lori and Rob offered for us to stay with them. But, Jeannette is out of town for the summer and willing to let us rent her apartment while she's gone. We're waiting to confirm this will work with insurance, but are optimistic and appreciative.

That's the crux of what's going on around here these days.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

On the Brighter Side

John and I had to eat dinner out tonight. We left when they were ripping out the carpet. We'd planned to just grab some dinner, replace some essentials, and head home. We went to Humpy's downtown for dinner. We quickly poached some seats (I'm not a big fan of open seating) and were surprised to see that Alaskan Ale was sponsoring a virtual fishing derby. John and I signed up. (Why not, right?) I went first and scored 997... that was the best score for 6 fisherman. Woo-hoo. But then, the competition got stiffer (and people figured out how to play); the scores soared. John played again and unleashed his inner fisherman. He had the highest score until almost the last minute. He ended up winning second place and an awesome Alaskan Ale hoodie sweatshirt. Way to go, John!!