Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Up to Speed

I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. Things have been pretty nuts.

I wasn't ready to share previously, but my maternal grandfather died on May 29th. He had been ill, but he declined rapidly over the last week. John and I flew home Saturday, June 4th (a few days after the flood) and stayed for about a week to grieve with my family.

We also found out that the repairs to the apartment will take a few weeks and require us to move out. Ugh. We like our apartment and our landlords-- so we're moving back in, but have to be out for awhile. I emailed my coworkers about the situation and was so touched by all the thoughtful responses. Lori and Rob offered for us to stay with them. But, Jeannette is out of town for the summer and willing to let us rent her apartment while she's gone. We're waiting to confirm this will work with insurance, but are optimistic and appreciative.

That's the crux of what's going on around here these days.

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