Saturday, November 12, 2011

Our Monster

A year ago this past July we rescued Hayden. (As you can see, based on the picture on the right, she needed rescuing!) She's such a sweet and loving critter. We're lucky to have her :)

The pictures at left are from the animal shelter. We took the ones below. We love our little monster!

Good thing we missed this one...

Last night John and I tried the new(ish) Anchorage restaurant--Ling and Louie's. It's actually a restaurant that started in Arizona. It has a made up (and slightly amusing) origin. The food is tasty... although I probably wouldn't eat it in Arizona, where delicious Chinese abounds. But, here in the Chinese food wasteland (nary a yummy sesame chicken or beef with snow peas to be had; the best beef and broccoli is from a Vietnamese restaurant), Ling and Louie's is a nice development.

We'd wanted to see a movie; but, by the time it was finished, our only option was Puss and Boots, which we'd already seen, and Jack and Jill, which we didn't want to see.

This morning John was poking around and Time Magazine confirmed our fears that Jack and Jill was going to be as awful as the previews made it look!

In poking around, I found a few more AWESOME Jack and Jill slams:

* "In some parallel universe, hilarity ensues." -- Jim Slotek from Jam! Movies

* "No matter how difficult or painful it might be, Adam Sandler's closest friends really need to do the respectable and humane thing and sit him down for an intervention."-- Adam Tobias from Watertown Daily Times

* "Movies like this should be stricken from film history and put in a closet never to be seen again. It's just bad, bad, bad, bad, bad." --Matthew Razak from

* "Howard the Duck, Gigli, Showgirls, From Justin To Kelly. What do they all have in common? They're all widely considered to be among the worst big studio movies ever made. You know what else they have in common? They're all better than Jack and Jill."--Mike McGranaghan from Aisle Seat

So glad we dodged this bullet!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A.S.U. ...A.S.U. ...A.S.U.

According to, A.S.U. is the "Campus for Those Who Like it Hot". I'm thinking U.A.A. isn't going to be a nominee in that category!

Happy House Day!

Mom and Kerry closed on their house today. (I can't believe they bought a house, and I haven't even seen it!) I'm looking forward to being back in warm and sunny AZ and to finally getting to see the new house :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Once Upon a Time

...there was an awesome new drama on ABC.

"Once Upon a Time" is great. It's interesting and engaging. John and I have watched the first 3 episodes... and I'm eager for the next episode.

You can see full episode's on ABC's website.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Kids get ugly when they think their parents ate their candy! Tracy sent me this video. It's pretty hilarious, especially from minute 2:35 on.