Friday, July 9, 2010

A New Addition :)

This last Monday John and I visited Anchorage Animal Control to see a dog we'd found online. Her name was Munchie (terrible I know... and not based on behavior habits), and we fell in love. We wanted to make sure we were thinking this all through... so, we'd decided before we went that, even if we wanted her, we were going to leave without her and talk about it. We thought about it and talked about it the rest of the day Monday and on Tuesday. By Wednesday morning we decided the pros outweighed the cons; we were going to bring her home.

I went online to check the times that the pound opened, but she was no longer listed as available. I panicked. I knew she'd been available when the pound closed (and it's an automatic online update when they're adopted). Of course, I thought the worst. But,

when I called right as they opened, they let me know that she'd been taken to be spayed. Phew! So, she wasn't available Wednesday obviously and was still recovering yesterday.

Today dawned and, although still not sure what name we'd give her (because we definitely weren't keeping Munchie), we were optimistic we'd be able to pick her up and bring her home.

Hayden (a shout out to Tempe) is a super sweet English Pointer mix... 42 pounds, about 1 year old, and excited to be home.


  1. very cute doggie. hopefully she adjusts well to being with you guys and with nelson. now all hayden needs is a twitter account!

  2. Congrats! Taro has a cousin now!! I can't wait to hear more stories about her. (okay,nelson too)

  3. A doggy cousin... it was fair :)

  4. A new grand-pup...I now have 4 grand-critters - two dogs, two cats. I guess that's what I get for providing a home for Dr. Doolittle's wayward wanderers during your childhoods!

  5. mom, just wait... there's a good chance you'll have another grand-dog in the next year...
