Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Year(S) in Alaska

Nelson and I arrived in Anchorage on June 21, 2010.  A kitty and a girl meeting a boy in the great north... for a year.  Or so we thought.  We're creeping up to 3 years now.  We've had some amazing experiences and made some wonderful friends.  While there has been grief and trials, and certainly pain from being so far family, John and I have been very lucky. 

The blog has just been sitting here... what was supposed to be a year's chronicle leached into more.  At some point, I just didn't have anything that exciting to say.  I've waited for something to close this blog--something worthy of a parting missive.  I have it.  So, following this, I'm posting my final post on My Year in Alaska... at least for now ;)

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