Sunday, November 7, 2010

Daylight Saving Time

Today was my first time ever switching off Daylight Saving (apparently it's not Savings, since it is 'saving' the time-- so Tammy learned). I briefly fretted over "falling back" or whatever. But, we thought we had it made since our cell phones would switch automatically.

By the time this morning rolled around, I wasn't thinking much of it though. (Honestly, I forgot.) So, John and I went about our day.

We were supposed to pick up Tammy and Steve for tonight's film, but called and asked to meet them there. We were running short on time and were out running errands. As it turned out, the store didn't have what we were looking for... John and I had about 20 minutes to kill. We wandered into the gaming shop (more on that another time) and Play-It-Again Sports. When we arrived at the theater, we were pleased to be the first in line. After a couple minutes, John noticed that we were still the only ones in line... and that was *NOT NORMAL*. We checked the time... nope 4:50 and, yep, the film started at 5:25. We were good. A couple more minutes passed and we called Tammy and Steve who are rarely, if ever, late. They then checked to make sure we knew it was only 3:55, because of the change in time!!! UGHHHHHH!! Our phones didn't change over. We were there over an hour and a half in advance.

Daylight Saving-- YUCK!! My first impression is not a favorable one. Plus, now we're 2 hours off from Arizona. This DST thing leaves much to be desired.

1 comment:

  1. I have similar mixed feelings about Daylight now gets dark here around 4:30/5pm. But I do have to say that I appreciate that it is light outside when I have to get up at 6am to teach. So it might just be worth it. But that's weird that your phones didn't change, mine has always done so automatically!
