Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Even if You Don't Give a Moose a Muffin... still might come in your yard.

Yesterday I saw some weird tracks in our yard ...imagine a potato stamp getting dragged through ink. I suspected a moose, but the culprit was not to be found.

But, tonight when we came home, there were moose crossing the street.

The answer to the age-old question-- Why did the moose cross the road? is in fact, To eat your neighbors' trees.

I took a few pictures initially. They're not great... as they're in the dark and from a distance. These pictures are on the left.

I was fiddling around with the pictures-- trying to brighten them up--and Hayden needed to go out. John took her outside. She was finished and heading back in when she let out a loud bark... very unusual for her. Hayden came across a moose in our backyard! We didn't even give out muffins ;) John called me out and I took some pictures. These are at right and literally taken from a foot outside our front (back) door.

I came back in and John told me there was a baby outside. Both of us had totally missed it! They're just kind of giant brown lumps in front of dark bushes--so a "bit" hard to see. Out I went again to take pictures of the baby moose... this picture is at the bottom.

As you may have noticed, there was a lot of taking on and off of my jacket, which was worth it. Even if the pictures aren't great, it was cool to see them from so close.


  1. The baby is SO cute!! Does the stairwell to your apartment fill with snow? Does it already come up to the bedroom/living room windows?

  2. Our stairwell doesn't fill because the eaves cover the stairwell. It's not anywhere near our windows thankfully :)
