Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Waive the Hamburger

Tonight John and I went to the Arctic Roadrunner for dinner... think In-and-Out, but not as tasty... close though.

It was originally an 8' x 30' trailer and has been around for 46 years... which would indicate nearly a half century of surviving consumers. Very promising.

Tonight John and I both ordered cheeseburgers with mine cooked medium and John's medium rare. In Anchorage, all burgers are generally cooked medium well or well. Arctic Roadrunner cooks all burgers medium well unless you specify otherwise, which we did.

They brought us the burgers and our receipt to sign-- supposedly as a waiver. I'm not a lawyer, but don't think signing the receipt does much in the "waiving my rights" division.

The BEST part of this was... the burgers were both cooked medium well.

Ahhh Anchorage!

1 comment:

  1. Sooo, does that mean hamburgers for dinner next week? :-D
