Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Mid-day today, I went to use the bathroom and stepped on soggy carpet. Hmmm... suspicious. As I investigated, I discovered that our upstairs neighbors had run their clothes washer and it had backed up into our sink. There was a clog in the sewer line and so all of the water used in a washer (and it's a LOT) ended up on our floor. We had about an inch of standing water in our bathroom. The water leached out into the hall carpet. It leaked through the kitchen and pantry walls as well as the guest bedroom closet. Since this is considered "category 3" water-- they ripped out all the affected carpet and microbanned all of the linoleum. They're testing the walls for asbestos and lead... then they'll have to pull out about 2 feet of the dry wall in all the affected areas. Ahhhhhh... what a nightmare! We're waiting til tomorrow to get a sense of how long this will take. (The picture is our apartment layout with all the water damaged areas.) Egaads.

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