Thursday, October 21, 2010

Alaska Supreme Court-- Hello Justice Winfree

Apparently Justice Winfree, one of the Alaska Supreme Court Justices, has a Google query that alerts him whenever anything about the Court is posted online... this means, he's seen my blog!! How crazy, huh? So, I'm sure he'll come across this too ;) Justice Winfree is so joyful and has a great sense of humor. His wife also seems very warm. We're looking forward to visiting them in November when we're up in Fairbanks for the UAF hockey game.


  1. I remember a time when Kyle was in middle school that he posted something as a "reply all" which happened to include our school superintendent. It was kind of embarrassing, but I chalked it up to never putting anything in writing that I'd regret EVERYONE seeing. (Haven't controlled my mouth quite as well - but we all have lessons to learn!) I'm sure Justice Winfree will enjoy seeing what interests a newbie to Alaska.

  2. That reminds me of what my journalism teacher taught us in high school... never type anything that you don't want printed out. She then told us all about the many yearbook snafus when someone had typed something as a joke and the wrong file went into print. YIKES! Can't think of anything too awkward here... just boring ;)

  3. I had forgotten about that! Was he using your email?

  4. i don't remember that at all. although i do remember a bit of the fall-out.

    oh well. happy to forget it.

  5. It wasn't a big deal - just a bit embarrassing. The Superintendent was a really nice guy, and just thought it was amusing.
    L - in answer to your question, no, I think he was doing a "reply all" and nothing more - but had replied a more typical middle schooler comment. It wasn't a big enough issue that I even remember what it was about!

  6. Did he have his own email? Did we have email then?!
