Thursday, February 10, 2011


Idioms are tricky... and sometimes we make them tricky.

Yesterday while I was at Battle of the Books, my sub had a little difficulty with one of my students. (This was the same student who was almost $2 poorer and a mustache richer.) Anyway, she told him to glue his butt in the chair for the rest of the day.

My ever-so-creative student, who knew perfectly well what she meant, decided to put glue all over his chair. The sub caught him before he sat in the glue and had him clean it all up. So, it was mostly a wonderfully good laugh for me the day after. Needless to say, the sub characterized her choice of words as "regrettable".

1 comment:

  1. My all-time favorite, although not an idiom, was when a student heard "serial killer" and thought it was the picture of the missing child on the cereal box!!
