Tuesday, March 22, 2011


In February, we (John and I, and some other clerks--Tiffany and her John, and Michael) purchased a Groupon and scheduled a snowmachining (this is *exactly* the same thing as snowmobiling-- it just means it's in Alaska--that's what they call it here) trip with Alaska Backcountry Access. Tiffany and her John went back in February, but we held out and scheduled for March 19th.

This, unfortunately, coincided with my cold and sinus infection--alas, the perils of advanced planning... and it definitely did not help. I likened the experience to tubing the Salt River. Not completely strenuous, but it just wipes you out.

Nonetheless, we really did have a fun time. Here are some pictures from the trip. Michael also has a super cool helmet camera and he's posted the videos... so you can "re-live" the experience. You can see some of the cool scenery.

This first video is just of the general trip...

The second video is of the speed laps (I sat out, but John participated). Opie, our guide, and Michael sped around a big loop...

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