Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Thing About Primary Teachers

Today I had lunch with my 2nd grade team of teachers. There were only 2 2nd grade teachers; I make 3. One of the 1st grade teachers joined us.

Jeannette, one of the 2nd grade teachers, came to Anchorage last year. She is originally from Oregon. She arranged our meeting and brought a basket of brochures, guides, and menus for local things. The basket also had borders (for the classroom), paperclips, a pad of paper with an L on it, and colorful pencils.

Christi also teaches 2nd grade. She's from Alaska.

Susan is a 1st grade teacher. She's lived in AK for 20 years, but came from Kansas City. She said the key to enjoying AK is to get outdoors.

This made me remember what I completely forgot about primary teachers is how sociable they are. Before we left they had like 3 other meetings set up. It's an adjustment from our stodgy middle school teacher routine! It was lovely of them to set this up, and I'm looking forward to working with them.


  1. What a nice welcome! It will be so nice to work with a TEAM!

  2. aw, so exciting!

  3. I am enjoying it, but missing middle school :(

  4. Brandon Brewer (who I worked with for the last few years) emailed me to let me know he and his wife were doing well. (She's pregnant with their first!) They are having a boy... as of now his first name will be Keith. I'm so happy for them both!

    [I put this under the wrong post the first time]

  5. did anyone have special insights into the inner workings of the school and its administration? and if so, can they be published on the blog?

  6. The principal is new. The previous principal was apparently quite good. The teachers are optimistic about the year ahead. Otherwise, it was mostly just social.
