Wednesday, July 6, 2011

WY Saturday

On Saturday morning, we had breakfast before checking out the Bureau of Land Management's National Historic Trails Interpretive Center.

The pictures show us pushing a hand cart. According to the museum, covered wagons and the oxen to pull them were very expensive. As a result, many people purchased much less expensive hand carts. They then pulled them across the country. This simulator was weighted and bumped along, so you could feel what it was like. It would have been very difficult to pull this a thousand miles!

There was also a "ford the river" simulator too. Dad, Tracy, and I sat in a covered wagon as it crossed the river. It reminded me a lot of Oregon Trail-- the game we played in school when I was young.

We then headed about 2 hours over to the ranch. We spent most of the day exploring--driving on ATVs that Uncle Brian rented, reading in the breezy sunshine, seeing wildlife, and taking in the improvements Brian has made to the cabin's interior.

We came down from the mountain into Buffalo, which is a quaint town and the closest "big-ish" town to the ranch. There we ate dinner and stayed the night.

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