Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Hayden loves to chew. Mom got her a "Super Kong", which holds up well... but she decimates just about everything else.

Kyle had recommended trying antlers. We get them through Amazon... they're pricey, but are the only thing that lasts more than a few minutes.

Today the doorbell rang and Hayden barked (that's her new thing). She went running to the door, but started to turn around once she saw no one was there. Then, I picked up the package and she must have caught a whiff. I couldn't smell anything; she obviously could. She promptly sat as if waiting for a treat... as I walked into the family room, she took off to stay in front of me... she followed me in a jumping sit all around until I finally got the box open. It was pretty darn cute.

Now she's happily chomping away.

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