Monday, November 29, 2010


John and I were scheduled to return to Anchorage via Salt Lake City on a red eye Sunday night/Monday morning. BUT, our flight to Salt Lake was delayed enough that we'd miss the connection to Anchorage. AND, there is only 1 flight to Anchorage a day on Delta from Salt Lake. SO, we ended up being booked on the next day's flight out to Anchorage. The plus is definitely that we didn't get stuck in Salt Lake, but were able to spend more time with family. The bad part is that we both had to miss a whole day of work. :( This means, between the flight delays and the snow days, I haven't been to school in 9 days. I told my principal I'd be back tomorrow even if I had to use a dog sled.

We didn't need to take a dog sled--fortunately. We were, however, booked on a Delta 737-800... and, on our itinerary, it said winglets in parentheses next to the plane type. I'm sorry-- WINGLETS!!! --that does NOT sound good... I want like mega-wings or something, not baby wings. I promptly researched and discovered that this is the name for (as best as I can tell) a supplementary wing feature (I think where the wings turn up at the ends) that added stability and fuel economy. Phew-- not baby wings after all!

Now we're in mid-air or, according to Flight Aware, 32,000 feet on our way back to Anchorage. It was difficult to leave home (this is the first time I've lived far enough away to "return home" for any holidays). It really helps, though, that we'll be back in just 3 weeks!! On the Anchorage end of things, we'll be happy to be back to our critters and to work--which just goes to show how much both of us must like our jobs :) We're so thankful to Tammy and Steve for taking care of Hayden and Nelson and to Joe for picking us up at 1 in the morning... we're so fortunate to have wonderful people in both of our cities.

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