Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Okay, so, the movie is actually called The Wild Hunt. It was part of the Anchorage International Film Festival-- whose tag line is "Films Worth Freezing For".

(I am only mentioning this film because it is John's birthday and he wanted me to talk about it.)

We saw it last night and it was horrible! (John didn't think so.) The film is about LARPing, which stands for Live Action Role Playing... this means games like Dungeons and Dragons, but acted out for real. The movie shows Erik who is upset that his girlfriend, Lyn, is spending so much time at these games. Erik follows Lyn to the middle of nowhere (which I think is in Canada) and tries to win her back. This sounds simple enough. And, as has so often been said, it's all fun and games (however dull) until someone gets their head bashed in. Disturbing.

Here's the film preview, which is free of blood, but not cussing or violence--so viewer discretion is advised. (Though, FYI, the sexual assault that's threatened in the preview does NOT happen... so, there's that.) Needless to say, if I'd watched the preview, I would have SKIPPED the film.

And here's one character's "shout out" to Anchorage:

Finally, here was the disturbing, but interesting short animated film called Millhaven, based on a story called The Millhaven Curse. It's by a Polish director and is subtitled.

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