Thursday, December 16, 2010

Root Beer Floats and A Fairbanks Clerk Named Judd (sung to the tune of the 12 Days of Christmas)

Today is the kids' last day of school before break. My students have worked really hard with their behavior to earn 3 puzzles. We've decided to combine the puzzle prizes-- root beer floats, movie, and holiday party-- in order to have a whole day of festivities. My kids and I are very excited.

The Fairbanks and Juneau clerks are also in town. We're hosting Judd at our house. He's here from Fairbanks and says that, after 40 below 0, 10 degrees feels like "a gentle caress"... well, maybe not ;)

It is chilly here, but not terrible. It's like being in Arizona in the summer--just the opposite end of the spectrum... either way you blast the air. :)

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