Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Boo Hiss

Mom and Kerry left early, early, early this morning and arrived back to Phoenix today.

While glad they made it back safely, we're super sad that our long weekend with them is over. We miss them already.

We had a wonderful time visiting and are very glad they made the trip.

Yesterday was a great way to wrap up the trip. John took a half day for us to go up to Girdwood. We took a great drive along Turnagain Arm, ate lunch at Chair 5 (their Yukon gold potato pizza is AWESOME), played the train game in the Alyeska Resort, and ate a yummy dinner at Jack Sprat. We didn't get to visit the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center like we did this past fall with Dad and Margo (the bears are sleeping and it was chilly), but John and Kerry did get to explore the outdoors of the resort and get some picture.

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