Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Running of the Reindeer 2

I know I posted about Running of the Reindeer before, but that was mostly just the video. The best part of Running of the Reindeer is people-watching and seeing all the costumes. The reindeer weren't a huge threat-- there weren't that many reindeer compared to the number of people in Herd 3 (the group), which is good-- with all the people, you couldn't really run if you wanted to. At the end we got to see the reindeer and pet them. The picture of me with the reindeer is a bit funny... I decided it would be a cute picture if I rested my hand on the reindeer's antler. The reindeer didn't think so and shook its head, which startled me. You'll notice my hand withdrawn and the giggle.

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