Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Sharpener On the Way

I contacted our school's representative at Horace Mann today... my project has been half funded since Monday. Apparently, Horace Mann's Donors Choose partnership was so popular, that the $250,000 available for matching was actually depleted last week... pretty cool that, in less than a month, over 1,500 Donors Choose projects were fully funded.

Anyway, she told me about an offer in connection with the "Waiting for Superman" film and movement. If you text the word POSSIBLE to 77177, they will send you a response asking for your zip code. When you text the zip code back, they will send you a $15 gift card code to use on Donors Choose. You can then use the code immediately to make a donation to a project. Some of the campaigns have limits on the number of donors who can use the code... for example, everyone might not be able to use their codes to donate to the same project. (FYI: The text signs you up for local education updates. I've just done it today--so I don't know what these updates look like... but apparently you just text "stop" to the number if you don't want to receive any more.)

My project is fully funded; but, I thought I'd pass it along in case you wanted to donate to other projects.

In case anyone decides to sign up for the promotion and is looking for some good places to spend it, here are my ideas.

1) A Pappas school request for a document camera
(I use my document camera about half the day.)
2) Dry erase markers for a Kindergarten class in Phoenix
3) Books about dogs for Phoenix primary students
4) Math games for students in the Bronx
5) Scissors and supplies for kids in D.C.
and my co-workers' projects for a cubby system for centers and an easel/cubby system.

1 comment:

  1. a link to balance out waiting for superman's flawed arguments:

    Diane Ravitch's wonderful "The Myth of Charter Schools"
