Friday, May 27, 2011

A Small Town Moment

You may remember from last summer when we decided to get a subscription to the Anchorage Concert Association's 2010-2011 season. (This was the same time I learned about "Alaska Chic".)

Today was the last day for subscribers to renew with preferential seating. John and I decided to subscribe again. There are some great shows coming-- Capitol Steps, The Blue Bear, Rock of Ages, Te Vaka, Beauty and the Beast, Lily Tomlin, Broadway's Next Hit Musical, the New Shanghai Circus, and Raisin in the Sun--so, we're pretty excited. (I've included some videos from Capitol Steps, Rock of Ages, and The New Shanghai Circus below.)

I took in our "order" today. Since all of the staff seemed to be on phone calls, the Executive Director of ACA came and helped me. How crazy!?! We started chatting about the season (and I got to throw in my vote for Norah Jones, which he said he was working on) and getting to be here for more than a year. Anyway, as it turns out, the Executive Director's dad first came to Alaska as a clerk for the Alaska Supreme Court in the 60's. Pretty crazy... and definitely a small town moment.

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