Monday, May 9, 2011

Student Writing

In honor of having only 8 days left with students (not that I'm counting), I'm posting a link to a website called Sh*t My Students Say. My brother sent this. While it's not G-rated, it is very funny... particularly if you've ever read less-than-stellar college student writing.

It also reminds me of this book I loved when I was in middle school or early high school. It was called Idiot Letters by Paul Rosa. He wrote a bunch of letters to "corporate America" and posted their responses. This review by Robert Sobel gives you an idea. I might have to buy another copy; although...

When I was in elementary and middle school, my favorite sandwich was the 4 inch round with pepperoni and mayonnaise. I decided to try it again in high school... and, I have to say, that was a BAD idea. Yuck... the adult translation is oily meat on top of oily cream on top of white refined carbohydrates. Sometimes things from our youth are best NOT revisited.

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