Monday, September 6, 2010

1100 pound Pumpkin

John and I went to the Alaska State Fair today.

It was super, duper busy. It was a holiday (obviously), the last day of the fair, and the first sunny day all weekend. It took us about 45 minutes extra to get to the fair, because of all the extra traffic.

We ate yummy fair food and wandered about... gawked at the price of the rides ($4+ per ride) and the lame prizes at the games. We looked at the flower exhibits... all the incredible varietals of dahlias and also a truly purple rose (not lavender). We skipped the arts and crafts, but browsed all the weird worse-than-as-seen-on-TV stuff. We visited all the livestock--ginormous pigs and hogs (I don't know what the difference is), sheep, goats, rabbits, cattle, and chickens. We saw the end of the horse show (just the victory gallop) and some odd trick horse demonstration. BUT, above all, the piece de resistance was the GIANT produce... the 90+ pound cabbage (it was about the size of a side chair) and the 900 and 1100 pound pumpkins, which were gigantic. Those were so cool!

Unfortunately, I'm STILL sick :( BOO!! I think now I have an actual infection. So, I'll try to get into the doctor's office tomorrow. Not fun. I'm sure the fair didn't help, but hope it didn't hurt too much either. I had to take a nap when we got home.

Happy Labor Day! Hope everyone had a safe and fun weekend.
In response to my skeptical brother, here's the article about the pumpkin AND the picture! And.. the cabbage video AND, I found a picture of the winning cabbage too ;)


  1. because the size claim of these items of produce is so unfathomable, i give you, in the favored parlance of the internets, this quip:

    pics or it didn't happen.

  2. The difference between pig/hog is: Pigs are less than 120 pounds and young. Hogs are more than 120 pounds and older. So, age and size are the difference... they are the same animal.

  3. huh. i didn't know that. so, i learned something today.

    thanks teach!
    (cue: saved by the bell music tag, followed by end credits music.)
