Thursday, September 2, 2010

Plague-y Badness

I was feeling lots better this morning, but started feeling super cruddy again by midday. What's up with that? It's supposed to be an upward tick... isn't it? Now we're like a troop of little plague monkeys. I'm coughing and blowing my nose. My kids are blowing their nose; 2 even went home sick. Good thing it's not the actual plague ;)

Anyway, I'm sorry I haven't written much... it's been busy though relatively mundane.

Aside from being sick, I really don't have any irks about which to complain.

EXCEPT, this morning we had a staff meeting... that's NOT the irk. This is the irk, and ALWAYS is... at 8:24am the guest presenter turned to our principal and said, "I have 6 minutes, right?" --and then proceeded to take 12 more minutes!!!!!!!!!!! Uck!! I mean, it's okay if you want to take that long, just don't act like you're not going to do that. I remember one time being taught that, when you say "finally" or "lastly," you have 2 minutes before people stop listening all together. Hmmm... good rule.


  1. Love this.
    Also getting though a cold, but hopefully it will be gone before the long weekend closes. Glad you're still traveling and enjoying the world there - keep posting pics!

  2. p.s. - forgot to let you know who I am; my bad!
