Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hope, Alaska

We spent the weekend in Hope, Alaska with Mary, Kevin, and Isabelle. Hayden came with us and played ceaselessly with their dog, Cassie.

Mary and Kevin rent a "cabin" in Hope along with 3 other couples. The cabin is actually called the "teacher's house" because it was the assigned house for the teacher of the school. (We did get to see the school, which is now the Hope Library, but was the school from the early 1900s until 1986.) Mary and Kevin even got married in Hope with their reception in the Hope Social Hall (with cake walk squares painted on the floor).

Kevin, John, the dogs, and I went for a hike and saw where mining used to occur in the area. It was beautiful as you'll see. John and Kevin made it to the top (and Kevin over the first ridge). I only made it to the first lake, but enjoyed my time.

The drive back was equally beautiful :)

1 comment:

  1. really pretty... can't imagine what it would look like covered in snow.
