Thursday, September 9, 2010

Crazy Busy

One of the disadvantages of new teachers not starting prior to returning teachers is that new teachers have a TON of training to go to. Then, when you add other formative meetings, it gets nuts... a preview of my weeks to come...

9/13- all day collaboration
9/15- field trip to Campbell Creek
9/16- half day positive discipline meeting
9/21- half day math training
9/23- half day sub for me to test my students
9/24- more of the 23rd
9/28- reading training
9/29- more of the 28th
10/4- half day math training
10/8- reading training
10/14- field trip to the Alaska Native Heritage Center (and Kyle's Birthday!!)

Lots of excitement, but craziness at school-- PLUS,

9/17-9/19- John and I are going out of town with Mary and Kevin to their cabin in Hope
9/23-9/29- Dad and Margo are here :)

Should be a very full September!


  1. i can't believe you left out the beck/palin 9/11 rally in anchorage! you obviously hate america.

    for me, with regard to said event, i'll be doing my best to follow this advice (, if only because there's not enough space on the internet to fully document their hypocrisy and logical errata.

  2. and yes, that does seem like an exceptionally busy month.
