Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Alaska Points Award

For comments sinc
e July 22nd,

First place goes to Valerie, who clinched the win with 360 points (200 of which came from the visit... which takes you
a long way, figuratively and literally).

Second place goes to Kyle with 180 points.

Third place is a tie between Tracy, Wanda, Tamar, and Sam.

This resets our Alaska Points Scoreboard.

ALASKA POINTS SCORE BOARD: (from 8/2 to 8/30)
Valerie- 270 points
Auntie M- 40 points
Andrew- 30 points
Tot- 10 points
Tracy- 10 points
Andrea- 80 points
Wanda- 10 points
Tamar- 10 points
Kerry- 10 points
Chunpeng- 10 points


  1. I'm the wiener - just like the hot dog that crossed the finish line! Woohoo!!

  2. Now's my chance to get a fresh start!
