Monday, August 9, 2010

Eagle River Nature Center

Today John, Hayden, and I walked around the Eagle River Nature Center. (It was about 12 miles past the Fourth of July Wal-Mart.)

*We got bells and tied them on our backpack... to keep the bears away (which always reminded me of the scene in Parent Trap where they make the step-mom-to-be clap the sticks).

*We tried to see the salmon spawning, but it was too windy and rippled the water.

*We saw a moose track. I took a photo... one of its hooves was as big as my foot... and you know their legs are small compared to them!

*We touched the water in Eagle River where it was just 12 miles from where it melted off a glacier... it was COLD!

Here are some pictures from our visit.

1 comment:

  1. It's SOOOO beautiful!!
    "He's sooo fluffy!!" (whenever I freak out about something super pretty or cute, that's the line I quote)
