Monday, August 9, 2010

Coastal Trail- Part Deux

So, here are some much nicer pictures of the Coastal Trail... these are much more representative (but not as funny).


  1. So now I know what it feels like to post and no one I seem to be one of the select few commenting! What happened to Kyle? I miss his comments!! Marilee said she posted a comment, but it didn't seem to post - so I wonder if others are experiencing the same thing.

  2. Could you post that one at Girdwood that was taken from the gazebo - with the sky reflected in the water? I really liked that photo! Thanks.

  3. I don't know what happened to Kyle or Tracy. Auntie M's comment was made on 8/7th-ish and she posted it on an 8/1 post.

    The Girdwood picture is coming up tomorrow with the around Alyeska photos... I've tried to spread them out ;) Thanks for commenting!!!
