Monday, August 30, 2010

Lots of Rest and Gus, Gus

Well, I woke up this morning feeling a bit better, but not well. Stayed home from school today and slept, and slept, and slept. I'm not great, but feel much better... and at least capable of teaching tomorrow.

Many of you know about the rescued kittens from the spring. Someone dumped a box of kittens at Sine School. The kittens had their nursing mother with them. They needed a home until they were weaned. Mina and Dodd allowed Belle, Figuero, Sebastian, Eve, and Gus, Gus to live with them, along with mama cat--Cleo. (Yep, it was a Disney theme.) Mina was able to find a good home for all of the kittens, but kept Gus, Gus and Cleo. Here are some "grown up" pics of the critters... Gus, Gus with Cleo; Gus, Gus with Allie the dog--look at that tail!; Gus, Gus with Jimmy. On the left is their kitten picture.


  1. So happy to hear you're feeling better!! The pictures are wonderful - and interesting (about the glacier), too. I'm glad you have the opportunity to go to so many different and interesting places and that you blog them for us.

  2. it was inevitable, but gus,gus got so big!
