Tuesday, February 15, 2011

NO-meo and Juliet and Ronnie

John and I celebrated Valentine's Day by going to see Gnomeo and Juliet. The few funny parts from the film are covered in the previews. Its one saving grace is the Elton John music throughout (He's the executive producer.). To add to the irritation was the running narration provided by the people sitting behind us. To give you an idea--I thought perhaps someone in their party was blind... they read EVERYTHING! EVERY sign-- "Montague and Capulet-- ha ha ha" "or thereabouts-- ha ha ha" and announced every event-- "they're throwing blueberries" or "she's stuck"... so rotten-- be quiet!

After Gnomeo and Juliet we went for sushi. We visited a place our Anchorage hair stylist recommended-- Ronnie's Sushi. So far, the best sushi in Anchorage by far! The rice and fish are fresh and the rolls are very thick. Yum :) It made up for the movie! (As a side note, the restaurant walls are filled with pictures of customers with head sushi chef Ronnie. The 2 "featured" pictures were of Ron Jeremy, the porn star, and Lisa Murkowski, the senator.)

More than anything-- John and I got to spend Valentine's Day together.

We both hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

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