Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What's black and blue...

...and white everywhere else? It's not a newspaper! (I never really got that joke). It's me!

Yesterday, I was walking down some stairs when I slipped (again, revisit the Home Alone video) and landed flat on the left side of my bum.

On one hand (not the left one, that also hit the ground) I'm SO, SO thankful that I did not land in any other way or on any other body part. On the other hand (probably the left one), I have a bruise on my bum that is bright purple and is larger than my hand can cover.

I alternate being incredibly thankful with incredibly sore. It's a deep bruise that makes sitting, standing, and walking all painful. To add to this-- I have parent-teacher conferences this week. Ugh!--long days of sitting on my rear (otherwise I like the conferences thankfully).

Anyway John saved me tonight by picking me up early from my evening-- my Aleve wore off (how about "almost" all day strong??) and I was in serious pain. So John braved Hayden's obedience lessons and picking up pizza for us all on his own.

1 comment:

  1. The joke, as I conveyed to Lindsey last night, is: what is black and white and (red)read all over? A newspaper. Much more accurate and, I suppose, funny.
