Friday, February 25, 2011

An Honor

My student's father is an Alaska Native of the Inupiaq tribe and an experienced guide who has developed a book of his photography. He ordered a proof book, which arrived today.

At 4:45pm, my student's father came into my classroom with his book in his hand. He's headed to Seattle soon to pitch it to a publisher, and I'd hoped to see it eventually. Instead, he brought the proof in and asked me if I'd look at it. He was eager to share it and it was an honor to be invited to look at this book. He showed me and the librarian. We were some of the first people to see it. This was an incredibly welcoming gesture that helped me feel a part of the Alaska community.

If you'd like to know more about the Inupiaq tribe or see a video from my student's father (it's in the "watch video" section to the right), you can click on this link.

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