Saturday, February 19, 2011


I didn't want to say anything until after my interview-- so only Mom, Dad, and John knew (and some co-workers who wrote letters)... but, I applied for the Rose Urban Rural Exchange-- Educator Cross Cultural Immersion Program, i.e.: I applied for a mouthful ;)

The program is sponsored by the Alaska Humanities Forum and is an opportunity for educators to visit rural parts of Alaska to learn about different Alaska Native cultures. The exchange program involves flying to a village and, for 5-10 days, attending a culture camp led by Elders to teach their tribal youth about their culture. You, essentially, get to sit in as the tribal traditions are passed from one generation to the next.

What you get to learn varies vastly from camp to camp... you can see the different camps and what they focus on by clicking on the camp diary map.

Anyway, I applied last Friday and was contacted Monday to schedule an interview. I had my interview yesterday. I won't find out if I'm invited until late March. I really hope I get it... it's truly a once in a lifetime opportunity... but am trying to put it out of my mind until I hear one way or another. Please think good thoughts, as then I'd really have a lot to share!

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