Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Voice

John and I saw the first episode of The Voice last night. It was actually great. (For those of you who are American Idol fans, I'd love to hear your opinion... John and I were never very into American Idol.)

You've probably seen the previews, but the idea is that the contestants audition in front of (or rather behind) Cee Lo, Adam from Maroon 5, Christina Aguilera, and Blake Shelton. These judges push their button to turn their chairs and offer themselves as a coach. The contestant then picks from any of the judges who turned their chairs. Later the coaches narrow their team from 8 to 4 and then there's some facing off between groups.

We were particularly impressed by Javier Colon's "Time After Time"...

You can find the first episode and highlights on NBC's website.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tests and Doughnuts

To be certified in Alaska, you have to take the Praxis 1, which is a series of basic skills competency test. If you're certified in another state, like I am, then they will waive the test requirement for a year. So waived. Which was great... but now I have to take it.

I registered for a Saturday test, but then Prometric (the test administrator) canceled it. That was rotten, because there were no other Saturdays available until after my certificate expired. I had to reschedule for today, which means I had to miss work.

As it turns out, I'm still sick ALTHOUGH finally beginning to feel notably better; so, missing work wasn't so bad, as I had the afternoon to sleep.

I know I've passed the reading and math sections, since it's given on a computer and the scores are available right away. I'll have to wait a couple weeks to hear whether I passed writing.

I feel very lucky to have done well at all. I was quite fuzzy headed throughout the test. (I even thought a 'Diner' was a 'Doughnuts' shop.) Yikes. I'm anxious to hear about the writing portion.

Happy Easter

To celebrate Easter we headed down to Girdwood and had brunch at Alyeska. It was a yummy buffet... crab eggs benedict, shrimp and fennel salad, cheese blintzes with strawberry sauce, red velvet squares, Belgian waffles, and crispy bacon... along with about 30 other things. Not terribly, healthy, but wonderfully delicious!! Joe and Michael joined us. All of it made longing for home a little easier.

It's funny... I've really looked forward to going home and missed family and friends, but haven't been homesick much this year. But, Easter made me homesick :(. I think not being able to dye eggs with my family or have a fierce Easter egg hunt made me sad. But, I guess this was the next best thing. Plus, Lisa Murkowski was there eating with her family. I suppose if you can't be with your family, be with a Senator ;)


Still feeling sick, I spent most of Saturday sleeping. The infection (and I think the underlying virus) was really hanging in there-- which is the pits.

Saturday night, though, I did go to John's show. It was another awesome (and nearly sold out) performance. Steve, Tammy, Tiffany, and her John all came out. Coincidentally, Jeanette from my work (the fifth grade teacher, not the second grade teacher) came with her friend Jennifer and a couple other friends. Everyone had a fun time.

Sinus Infection & Seder

Sorry it's been so long since I've written.

Two Fridays ago I started getting sick. Ugh! I had a sore throat, crud in my chest, and was super tired. By Sunday I barely had a voice and had started couching terribly, which, as you can imagine, made attending the symphony a bit awkward.

About half the teachers at every grade level were sick; so, I didn't think much of it. But, by Wednesday it was obvious that I wasn't getting better. On Thursday I finally went to the doctor. She said I'd had a virus that had turned into an infection.

Anyway, this meant I had to miss Steve and Tammy's Passover Seder. They hosted a Seder for all the clerks (and their "plus ones") who had never been to one. I was really looking forward to going, but ended up staying home and sleeping. John went and was impressed by all the food and the number of guests they accommodated.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Short People least short people of the kid variety, LOVE Randy Newman.

Well, truthfully, I think it was inspired by this...

although his music was most accurately summarized in this Family Guy (a show I mostly loathe--it's pretty often just one more bout of awkward than I can handle--though sometimes love)... --this is the only video I can find at all of this episode... it's got some grammatical errors, a plea for subscription, and some bad words... but, aside from that...

Anyway, all this to say... John and I saw Randy Newman this evening. He, like every other performer, seemed genuinely surprised by the turn out in Anchorage. Anchorage concert-goers are some of the MOST appreciative audience members ever. They applaud, tap, sing, dance, whatever will show a performer that they love being there. Performers who make the journey are always rewarded with support.

Of course, we were sitting in the row with Randy Newman's biggest fan-- a 6 year old. He sat down a few minutes after we did and began bouncing on his chair. When I looked over to do a teacher grimace at him, I heard him say, "Wow. Look at all the fans! I love Randy Newman and I love all the fans." And this child genuinely love Randy Newman. Randy Newman only played one of his Pixar songs (You've Got a Friend in Me), but this kid loved all of his songs. At least, he loved all of his songs in the first act. Randy Newman post-intermission, but pre-encore, was pretty dreary. Lots of sad and sleepy songs. He pepped it back up for the encore and everyone, including the 6 year old fan club president, enjoyed the finale.


Tonight we went to an AK SPCA benefit. It's called the "Spay-ghetti Dinner" and it raises money to alter cats. One of my co-workers volunteers for them extensively and had passed on the information. It was held at Guido's Pizza. I found the spaghetti to be completely mediocre; but, it was for a good cause. Tiffany and John joined us in eating and spending for the cause.

The Symphony

Last night we went to the Anchorage Symphony Orchestra's performance of Mahler's Symphony Number 2. Justice Christen and her husband generously offered us their 2 tickets.

I can't remember ever attending the symphony before (though I've listened to several performances) and really enjoyed it. I do wish they'd had mirrors above the conductor (like they do in teaching kitchens)-- watching him even from the back was quite engrossing. There was a lot more to "see" than I'd anticipated or remembered.

The music itself was like a good book; it had the subtlety and complexity to let your imagination paint a picture. The conductor, Randall Fleischer, is also the Music Director for the Flagstaff Symphony, which is pretty cool.

Prior to the show we went to Aladdin's for Mediterranean food with clerks and fellow symphony-goers, Rebecca F., Rebecca B., Tiffany, and John. The food was quite tasty, particularly the kafta, the tsatsiki, and the falafel. The hummus was just okay. They do have fesenjoon, which is one of my favorite Persian dishes. Look, Aladdin's is not Mina and Dodd's cooking, nor is it Pars or the Persian Room... but it will keep us going in the meantime.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Baked Halibut

Lori and Rob gave me some vacuum-packed and frozen halibut and salmon. I wasn't sure how to cook it.

I then remembered that my mom used to make this really, really yummy orange roughy. (On a side note, the orange roughy is a very strange looking fish. The picture of the orange roughy is on the side. It is, however, more interesting looking than the halibut--pictured below.) It had mayonnaise, lemon juice, sour cream, Tabasco sauce, and some spices.

I let the halibut thaw out in the fridge over a couple days, then patted it down with a paper towel. I coated a pyrex dish with olive oil and then liberally sprinkled it with Tony Chachere's Original Creole Seasoning. Then I put the halibut on top of the seasoning. In a bowl I mixed a couple tablespoons of mayonnaise, a couple tablespoons of plain yogurt, a bit of lemon juice, some of the Creole Seasoning, and probably a teaspoon and a half of Sriracha Chili Sauce. I put the sauce on the halibut in a thick layer. I found a recipe for baked halibut... and followed the guidelines for cooking. I preheated the oven to 350 degrees and then baked the halibut for 25 minutes.

The verdict: DELICIOUSNESS ... unbelievably, as tasty as fresh (or at least almost)

Project Runway

Today there was a Project Runway marathon... which made me think Project Runway's next season would be starting soon. That doesn't appear to be the case. They just put out the Season 9 casting call... so it'll probably be awhile.

But, in my search to figure out if Project Runway was coming soon, I came across this article, which-- for Project Runway fans-- seems pretty on point.

By now I think most of us die-hard “Project Runway” fans have heard the news: A casting call for season 9 has gone out into the world. If you’re anything like me, you met the news with a mixture of wary excitement, exhaustion and skepticism. We were badly burned by that last season, and it’s taken me quite a while to get over the rage caused by the mere mention of Wretched Gretchen. But maybe, just maybe, things can change.

A lot of you have given up on the show completely, and though I’d like to do the same I know I’ll be there for this new one, giving it one more chance to be good again. Chances are it won’t — and the news that the season will take place in L.A. (the setting for season 6, largely considered the worst in the show’s history) isn’t encouraging.

There’s not a lot of information about the new season yet, so we don’t even know if Tim Gunn will return, which could be a big factor in determining whether anyone comes back to the show. The simple truth is that the show’s quality has gone down significantly since the move to Lifetime, and chances are slim that it’ll ever be as good as it once was.

On that note, I’ve been thinking of what the producers could possibly do if they were really determined to get the show back on track. I know that they probably don’t give a damn as long as the viewers are there, but let us take a trip into fantasy world and dream of the days when Project Runway was the best reality show out there.

So, I’ve compiled a wordy list of things the show needs to do to get back to being good again:

1.Cast designers based on talent, not personality. This one’s fairly self-explanatory, and I think we all know what’s happened in the last few seasons. People cast because they’ll bring the drama to workroom, but who end up presenting nothing but crap on the runway. And apply that to eliminations as well. Too many times in the past (hear that, Ivy and Michael Costello?) people were kept around because they made for good television, even though their work was subpar and forgettable while better designers were cast aside. This is how we ended up with Michael Costello and Gretchen in the finals, and we all know it.

2. Bring back Creative Challenges. In other words: Stop this nonsense where every challenge boils down to “Make a pretty party dress for a vapid celebrity.” We just end up with a parade of yawn-inducing cocktail dresses in shiny fabrics. Remember the days when they had to make outfits out of produce, or make an outfit for a drag queen? The entire point of the show should be to challenge the designers into going outside their comfort zone. Making them do a dress “That shows us who you are” is no challenge at all, and makes for incredibly boring runway shows.

3. Make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to challenges. One of the biggest problems that everyone (producers, judges, contestants, viewers) had in that last season what that no one knew what the hell would get a win from week to week. The infamous Jackie O challenge is a perfect example of this: No one knew what they were doing. Make the challenge guidelines clear to everyone involved and let the judging be just as clear, or you risk designers going insane and not knowing what to do. On that note …

4. STOP with the cracktastic judging. Last season you could practically see the poor contestants ripping out their hair trying to figure out what would make the judges happy that particular week. It turned into a complete, random mess—someone would be on the top 3 one week, then bottom 3 the next for doing what the judges had praised them for the week before. No one knew what to do to keep the Orange Kors and Evil Nina happy, and it seemed that neither did the judges themselves. The judging was just inconsistent and ridiculous, and even Tim Gunn spoke out about it. To be perfectly honest, however, I’m afraid that the only thing that might work to fix problem this would be to …

5. Get rid of Michael Kors and Nina Garcia. Calm down. Listen, I love the shrill, ridiculous Kors as much as the next person, and no one knows how to do a bitchface better than Nina Garcia, but the truth is that they’re completely done as judges for this show. Kors has become more concerned with making a clever comment than really judging the clothes, and Nina Garcia runs a second-tier magazine aimed more at housewives than high-couture costumers. They want to sell their products and that creates a conflict of interest. What it comes down to is that we need new faces and new perspectives. Bring in more modern, edgy designers and people who have power in the fashion industry, and for heaven’s sake …

6.Stop bringing in vapid celebrities as guest judges. Jessica Alba? Natalie Portman? Jessica Simpson? What do these people know about fashion? Just because they get to wear designer outfits—picked out by their stylists!— doesn’t mean they know the first thing about designers and fashion. Yeah, they’re cute and bring in viewers, but they make terrible judges. We want more Diane Von Furstenberg and we want her now.

7. Give us more Tim Gunn. The man is a jewel and the heart of the show, and kicking him to the sidelines is no way to treat him. Show the man some respect.

8. Cut the show back to an hour. Quite simply: More fashion, less bullshit. At first, it seemed like the longer running time was a good thing, but in the end we got nothing but more shots of the designers bitching in their apartments. More time just made the producers lazier.

9. Fewer ‘decoy’ shows at Fashion Week. This was a big complaint during last season’s final weeks, that a ridiculous total of 10 designers showed collections during Fashion Week (the finalists and 7 decoys). But what happened instead was that we got to see just how cracktastic the judging had been—for example, when we got to see that April’s collection was infinitely better than Andy’s or Michael Costello’s. I get why they do it, but surely there’s a better way to do things. It also lessens the importance of the top 3 collections. Sure, the shows aren’t televised, but they still get to show at Bryant Park, don’t they? How embarrassing must it have been to hear that most people were pegging Mondo or April as the winner?

10) Give the win to the best designer, not the safest one. I think this one ties up a whole lot of the points up there. Moreover, we all know that that’s why Gretchen won over Mondo last season. The show used to be about creativity and innovation, not about who could sell the most pieces for Lifetime.


Well, that’s a tall order, isn’t it? But the simple truth is that Lifetime has done terrible things to the show. Things need to change. Again, I don’t have much hope that any of this will happen, but a girl can dream. I know I’ll be right there when the new season premieres, and hopefully I’ll get to do the recaps for you guys again. But whether anyone but us masochists stick around for the whole seasonn remains to be seen.

So, feel free to suggest your own changes in the comments, or just vent your rage at the whole thing some more. It can be liberating.

Oh, and a quick thanks to Melody for some of the ideas in this post. Her anger was an inspiration.

Break Up is Hard to Do

Get it?

Okay... so there is this horrible time of the year... foreign to us Arizonans... it's called "break up". Break up is aptly named-- it's when the snow and ice break up. It's mushy, soggy, muddy, slushy, pot holey, and puddle-y... all around, it's just a mess.

But, all of a sudden, it's starting to dry out... and spring is hinting at summer... which means there will probably be another big snow, right???

Another Busy Week

Sorry I haven't posted this week... just another busy week. John and I both worked late several nights. We're both enjoying our jobs, but they're keeping us busy ;)

And... we're enjoying the new longer days. Today the sun rose at 6:39am and will set at 9:22pm... over 14 hours of sunshine. We get over 5 minutes more of light everyday. As a comparison, Tempe had about 13 hours of sunshine, which changes at about 2 minutes a day. Those extra 3 minutes a day make a BIG difference... soon we will be the land of the midnight sun again :) --which is considerably better than the land of the 3pm sunset.

It's definitely spring!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Connection was Reset??

Anyone have any ideas for troubleshooting? I've deleted my cookies/history. I've reset the wireless modem. I've done the "troubleshooting," but with no luck. This is popping up every few minutes. The weirdest thing is that John's not having any of the issues I'm having-- and we're using the same network.

John's Show-- the Scared Scriptless Games

Last night was another sold out show for Scared Scriptless... the 4th in a row! It was a different format... the troupe was divided into two teams that "competed". It was very funny and involved John doing a headstand... I didn't even know he could! Lots of fun. But, the "sold out" popularity is making finding a seat tricky... I was there at 7:36 (doors open at 7:30) and had to sit halfway back on the side. Got to start going earlier!!


Yesterday afternoon we saw Arthur. I don't remember the original--except that it had Dudley Moore in it and that I didn't "get" it as a child.

Arthur didn't get great reviews... but I thought it was cute and enjoyed it.


On Friday we watched Unknown. It's not something I'd want to watch over and over; but, I enjoyed it. Glad we went.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why does Nelson do this?

He's a strange cat... he wants to ship himself, plays fetch like a dog, and now wants to be an A.V. component. I don't get it!
Actually, crawling into small spaces has always been his thing. I got him because he had crawled under Mom's work building and couldn't get out. They could hear him meowing, but didn't know where he was. One of her co-workers crawled under to get him. Then, when I was in Atlanta training and he was just a kitten, John cared for him and he crawled under the couch and into a small hole in the upholstery to hang out. Ahhh Nelson...


I've updated my Testing Adoption post with the pictures :)

Song- The Only Exception

I heard this song for the first time today and really liked it. It's by Paramore.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

You Wouldn't Want to Be Behind Her in Line...

or, would you?? Extreme Couponing is crazy!!! It's a new shown on TLC. It's bizarre, but incredibly engrossing.

There's a video below that's a preview...

This person ends up spending $1800 and paid $104!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's crazy... but, why do you need 72 bottles of mustard??

These people literally have stockpiles. The other profile in this episode (the only one I saw) was of a family of 9. They realized how much it would cost to put 7 students through college and started couponing. They've save $40,000 in 2 years. Moreover, they have supplies for 9 people for 3 years!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Testing Adoption

4/7/2011: Here they are. The ones from my room are bigger. The smaller ones are from other doors in the building.

**I received a new sign every day.

The third day of testing was "Miss Fees' Smarties" and all the kids got "You're a Smarty" with the candy and a picture and note from a first grader. Some of the clerks in John's office--Rebecca, Steve, and Jacques--also wrote the kids notes of encouragement. The students were so, so excited that lawyers thought they were smart!

Then today, the students got the "We're 'Rooting' for You" sign and individual chocolate coins with "You're on the money in math" notes and letters from the first graders.

I hope the students are able to show what they know and succeed... they sure had the support!**

Our principal, Ms. Peterson, and the second grade teacher, Ms. Medeiros, had the idea of the primary classes "adopting" the intermediate classes for testing. This was a brilliant idea! It's been a great way to include the younger students (get them excited about tests in the years ahead) and to support the older students.

I've had the best adopter, though. Mrs. Heyroth and her first grade class adopted us. They put a sign on our door last Thursday for the science test... telling us that we were "stars" and giving the classification of stars and telling us we were "rock stars" and giving the types of rocks. It was really cute.

Then this morning I came to school and there was a new sign on the door with all of my kids' names and my name and "you're stars" and even signed by each first grader. I was very impressed... until I went inside and found that Mrs. Heyroth had put an individual bag with 5 Starburst candies and a "You're a Star" for EACH KID!! Oh my goodness!! All of that work... I was so touched :) I'm a lucky, lucky girl to be so supported.

I took pictures, but left the camera at work; so, I'll have to post them later.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011


This year has been the year of pet dentals. Nelson had serious dental surgery this past summer. (If I remember correctly, he had 8 extractions.) Hayden broke a tooth and has to have surgery to remove it tomorrow. UGH!

Hayden chipped her tooth chewing on antlers. My brother had heard they were good for chewers... and Hayden's definitely a chewer. She annihilates rawhide or anything of that sort. She's been chewing the antlers for months... until John noticed her chipped tooth. Now she's off antlers and off to the vet.

RURE Pictures

My co-worker who told me about the RURE program lent me her pictures. Here are some pictures of the pictures.


John and I were out running errands when we saw a moose just chillin' in someone's yard. Here are the pictures:

At School

This past week at school saw 2 significant things.

First, I got my sharpener from Donor's Choose. It arrived. It is AWESOME. I've been going around the school and bragging about it... and then offering to let people come over to use it. It's quiet, hard working, and has this light that comes on when the pencil is sharpened. My kids were so funny about it. They decided to forgo read aloud (which is one of their favorite times) to read silently and take turns sharpening their pencils. They literally came over to stare at the sharpener. It was really cute!

Next, we began our state testing with the science test. The students were pretty confident... so I'm hopeful. We spent the end of the week getting "pumped up" for next week's battery of tests.

This Week

I can't believe it's been almost a week since I've written :(

I'm going to attempt to catch up on a week's worth of writing today.