Sunday, April 3, 2011

At School

This past week at school saw 2 significant things.

First, I got my sharpener from Donor's Choose. It arrived. It is AWESOME. I've been going around the school and bragging about it... and then offering to let people come over to use it. It's quiet, hard working, and has this light that comes on when the pencil is sharpened. My kids were so funny about it. They decided to forgo read aloud (which is one of their favorite times) to read silently and take turns sharpening their pencils. They literally came over to stare at the sharpener. It was really cute!

Next, we began our state testing with the science test. The students were pretty confident... so I'm hopeful. We spent the end of the week getting "pumped up" for next week's battery of tests.

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