Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter

To celebrate Easter we headed down to Girdwood and had brunch at Alyeska. It was a yummy buffet... crab eggs benedict, shrimp and fennel salad, cheese blintzes with strawberry sauce, red velvet squares, Belgian waffles, and crispy bacon... along with about 30 other things. Not terribly, healthy, but wonderfully delicious!! Joe and Michael joined us. All of it made longing for home a little easier.

It's funny... I've really looked forward to going home and missed family and friends, but haven't been homesick much this year. But, Easter made me homesick :(. I think not being able to dye eggs with my family or have a fierce Easter egg hunt made me sad. But, I guess this was the next best thing. Plus, Lisa Murkowski was there eating with her family. I suppose if you can't be with your family, be with a Senator ;)

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