Monday, April 25, 2011

Tests and Doughnuts

To be certified in Alaska, you have to take the Praxis 1, which is a series of basic skills competency test. If you're certified in another state, like I am, then they will waive the test requirement for a year. So waived. Which was great... but now I have to take it.

I registered for a Saturday test, but then Prometric (the test administrator) canceled it. That was rotten, because there were no other Saturdays available until after my certificate expired. I had to reschedule for today, which means I had to miss work.

As it turns out, I'm still sick ALTHOUGH finally beginning to feel notably better; so, missing work wasn't so bad, as I had the afternoon to sleep.

I know I've passed the reading and math sections, since it's given on a computer and the scores are available right away. I'll have to wait a couple weeks to hear whether I passed writing.

I feel very lucky to have done well at all. I was quite fuzzy headed throughout the test. (I even thought a 'Diner' was a 'Doughnuts' shop.) Yikes. I'm anxious to hear about the writing portion.

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