Monday, July 11, 2011

Flight and Sickness

Yesterday when I flew back, I got sick after I arrived in Salt Lake City. The landing into Salt Lake City from Phoenix was quite bumpy and my air didn't work... so that definitely didn't help... or it could have been what I'd eaten. Who knows!? It was the worst time *ever* (that I can think of) to have a tight connection. I had less than an hour and ended up being one of the very last to board the plane.

At any rate, the tummy issue wasn't completely resolved today. Although no substitute for a mom, the internet is a wealth of information. I was trying to figure out what I should eat (that would make my tummy better or, at least, not worse) and came across a great site with health information. This site is published by Virginia Tech for their students-- so you may find the list of topics to be skewed to the sexual-side. However, the topics include: migraine/tension headaches, colds, cold medication, how to sleep well, upset stomach, and even how to use crutches and antibiotics correctly. There are a bunch of other widely-applicable topics and the publications are really good at parsing out the most important and useful information.

Like I said, nothing is as good as a mom when you're sick (and most of the rest of the time too!)... but, this site AND this book (I'm super sad it isn't still in publication)--The College Woman's Guide to Everything (which most of my friends and I had in college)-- are as good a substitute as you're going to get!

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