Thursday, July 21, 2011

Apartment Progress?

In late May, our apartment was flooded, and so began the restoration process.

Initially, we had no idea the extent of the "restoration". About a month ago, we realized that we were going to have to leave the apartment in order for the repairs to be made. :(

It's not been fun to be out of the apartment. While we really appreciated having somewhere else to stay, it's been hard to be far from downtown (about 15-25 minutes away)... especially since we're sharing a car. We miss the Coastal Trail, our neighborhood, and just being close to all the downtown activities.

On the plus side.. Our contractor, Loren, is fantastic! Our landlords are great. And, it's been really fun to see all the changes. I wish I'd thought to start taking pictures earlier. Here is 1 that shows a bit of the damaged area and then a couple from today (they were taping on the new dry wall and adding the bead boards).

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