Thursday, January 6, 2011

Body Back Buddy

...sounds like a crock... looks like a crock... is NOT a crock!

My Mom first asked for the Back Buddy for Christmas. I went on Amazon; took one look at it and thought, uh-uh. I wasn't going to waste my money on a big piece of plastic. I mean this thing is $28 to what-- exist-- literally be a big plastic lump. Like a true 20-something, I looked for its gadgetness-- Does it vibrate? Do Santa's elves pop out and wander up and down your back to relieve pain? No. It's a bit of a dud.

But then, I tried it. OH my GOODNESS... no elves necessary. This thing is contorted in such a way that allows you to push right on your trigger point knots. Good call, Mom! Good call. Mine is ordered and on its way. I'm giddy.

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