Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ecto Cooler

Last night John and I went to see a Scared Scriptless show. Their shows are held at the Snow Goose Restaurant. Before the show I went upstairs and ordered a drink-- "Sex on the Beach".

This is an awkward drink to order... which I would guess is the point of naming something "Sex on the Beach" and there are certainly more absurd and embarrassing things to order (I'm thinking of the "Slippery Nipple" right off).

Perhaps the most uncomfortable instance of ordering "Sex on the Beach" was at Andrea and Kirk's rehearsal dinner. To begin with, everyone else was ordering beer. I don't generally care for beer; so, I sort of whisper-ordered my drink. Ha Ha-- I got away with it... or so I thought. When my pretty pink drink arrived, Charlee, Andrea's mom, asked me what my drink was... I may have said "Sex on the Beach" underneath my breath, which just led to her asking me to repeat myself... urgh-- "Sex on the Beach"... okay, I was safe... UNTIL someone else, further down the table, asked what drink I had. "Sex on the BEACH"!!! I hollered down the table as I shirked under it. If the drink wasn't so tasty, it wouldn't be worth having at all! Even so, we all had a fun evening :)

At any rate, last night I ordered my drink. The bartender took quite awhile in getting to my drink. "Sex on the Beach" is made with peach Schnapps, vodka, orange juice, and cranberry juice. This bartender made it with vodka, orange juice, apple Pucker, and soda. The drink was a neon green! It was tasty, but weird. It very much reminded me (well, mostly the color--not the alcohol) of the Hi-C Ecto Cooler that came out when I was a kid. I LOVED that stuff! So, I fondly renamed this drink the "Ecto Cooler"-- no embarrassment in ordering that :)

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