Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winter's Bone

Scratch that--tonight we're NOT going to see Winter's Bone at Bear's Tooth Theater Pub. Winter's Bone is one of the 3 Best Picture nominees that I haven't seen. I have yet to see The Kids Are All Right and 127 Hours, but hope to see them both before the Oscars.

It's kind of funny, because, some years, I've seen almost all of the films and other years hardly any. This year I'm on a roll to seeing all 10 of the nominees... or NOT, I guess I'm going to have to work a little harder ;)

*Black Swan
*The Fighter
*Winter's Bone
*The Kids are All Right
*Toy Story 3
*The King’s Speech
*The Social Network
*True Grit
*127 Hours

1 comment:

  1. have seen all except 127 hours... decided to netflix it over seeing it in the theater.

    i found the kids are all right to be a huge disappointment. i was really excited for it and it did not come close to my expectations.

    social network is last year's the blind side: an excellent script that carries mediocre acting and forgettable directing. was surprised fincher didn't have more of a distinguishing mark on this one.

    i'm already sick of the 10 best picture format. while fighter, true grit , social network, & kids have their respective strengths, they shouldn't be on the best picture list. in addition, due to some very sloppy sections of inception, there's an argument to be made it shouldn't be on here either.

    black swan & the king's speech are way beyond the other 7 i've seen with regard to the combination of storytelling, directing & acting. i think the latter deserves the win.
