Monday, January 31, 2011

We Weren't Ready...

...for Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip when it came out. The show ran from September '06 to June of '07.

The show, which was written and created by Aaron Sorkin, is like West Wing meets Glee... and we weren't ready for Glee in 2006. It's smart like West Wing. It's sweet and entertaining like Glee. It's witty and charming.

More to the point: 30 Rock came out a month after Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and it's more accessible. I like 30 Rock; but, it's what we call in teaching "high interest, low readability"-- super engaging, but easily accessible.

Then, you peek at a list of events in September 2006... and it's clear, people were ready for Bubble Yum and not Tootsie Roll Pops--no one wanted to work for their joy.

And so, I conclude: We just weren't ready for Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. If only they could bring it back now.


  1. I wholeheartedly agree. I loved that show THEN and would enjoy it just as much NOW! I'm willing to try Mr. Sunshine - just because I like Matthew Perry and his comic delivery - in hopes it will be fun, too.

  2. i'll withhold comment regarding how truly awful glee is. and, yes, i realize that the preceding sentence is itself a comment. that's intentional.

    however, 2 things are missing from your info on studio 60. it had a predecessor, another dramedy created by and largely written by aaron sorkin, in sports night. and, it's recently been reported that aaron sorkin is doing a pilot, this time a 'behind a cable news show' dramedy, for hbo.

    so, i guess he just loves behind-the-camera shows?
