Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Comments Issue

Thanks everyone for commenting! It makes this a lot more fun for me... and I feel like I'm keeping in closer touch :) Thanks!

There is apparently an issue with the comments posting, however. I'm not sure what's going on, but in some cases the number of comments is wrong-- and comments are disappearing. So, please keep commenting and, if your comments disappear... hmmm, I'm not sure what to do... Anyone?


  1. Yeah, I noticed Kerry's points have never been added at all. Does this actually mean that Mr. Overachiever has many LESS points than have shown up? Probably not. :-)

  2. is everyone making sure to verify their comments after submitting them? i know it's necessary for those of us commenting as a name/url guest and as anonymous.

  3. They all seem to be showing up again :)

  4. Found Kerry's and some other too! Whenever they are far back, I might miss them :( Feel free to comment on a more recent post and demand points as necessary ;)
