Monday, July 19, 2010

Using Fruit

We get most of our produce at Costco because it is much, much cheaper. So, we normally pick out 1 giant package of fruit each week. As the week goes on, the fruit starts to get super ripe. I start looking for ways to use the fruit. Anyway, this is why you see so many desserts on here... using the fruit. I found this recipe for Dessert Dumplings. It came from an old Bisquick Dessert Recipe Book... (I changed the sauce part a bit. The dumplings are hers.)

"Mrs John Jerome Finlay is featured on the dessert pages. Who was Mrs.John Jerome Finlay? According to this 1933 Bisquick recipe book, Mrs. Finlay was Jane Scriven before her marriage. She was one of the most popular girls in Chicago, a Member of Junior League and on the Committee for Enchanted Island at the World's Fair. Mother of 3 year old Barbara... models clothes at all important charity affairs. Finds time to make her husband's favorite recipes herself."

This is a little shout out to Mrs. Finlay ;)

For Sauce:

Bring 1 cup of fruit, 1 cup of juice, 1 T. of flour, 1.5 T brown sugar, and 2 T. of butter to a boil

"For Dumplings:

"Add 1/4 cup sugar to 1 1/2 cups Bisquick. Stir in 1/2 cup milk. Beat well and drop into hot sauce, in a wide kettle. Cover tightly and cook over low flame (or over asbestos mat*) to keep from burning. Cook 10 minutes. *Obviously asbestos mats do not exist any more."

It took more than 10 minutes to cook it (probably 15), but was very tasty. I think next time I would make more sauce-- perhaps a bit more fruit and definitely more juice. Fruit and juice could easily have been increased by half.

[The picture at the top is of my Cherry Dumplings...Tasty!]


  1. How about banana ice cream that supposedly super tasty and only comprised of bananas?

  2. That does sound good... I like to make banana's foster bread pudding or banana bread with extra bananas... I don't have a food processor or a blender, so it would make that super easy recipe hard.

  3. That looks delicious! Have you tried making a cherry clafouti? They are really yummy. I don't remember what recipe I used...but I made strawberry. MMMM!
