Thursday, July 1, 2010

Grocery Carts

Okay, my confession... I don't put my cart back in that corral-thing. I don't-- unless it's close, like really close.

That doesn't fly here. No one has come to beat me up or anything, but EVERYbody else puts their carts back. Alright, maybe not everyone, but 90% of people here put their carts back. It's unreal... and the peer pressure continues!! So now, I am a cart-put-er-backer.

It'll be interesting to see what happens in the winter!

Speaking of winter, I think all the salt and snow takes a toll on the carts. Most carts here (except the cool plastic ones at target) have some rusting, especially by the wheels and are actually even more rickety than the carts in Arizona.


  1. I cannot believe our parents did not install a better sense of right/wrong, a sense of responsibility, or a hypersense of guilt regarding mostly pointless things. I am almost always a cart replacer, and having Tracy here has increased our cart return rate to roughly 99.9%. Seriously, I would feel bad all day about not returning the cart.

    In other news, the plastic carts from Target are the coolest. Those carts compared to the old carts are like the Apollo rockets versus the Wright brothers' plane... except, you know, without the importance or significance.

  2. i love this.
    perhaps there are reasons to move to alaska after all. maybe.

  3. Anchorage definitely gets good civilian points! Perhaps Lindsey you can earn a "Cart-put-er-backer" merit badge?

    When we sold the Saturn in MI, everyone was shocked over the lack of rust on the AZ car. Snow/salt plus things with wheels not a good combo :)

  4. Boo-- well, I certainly hope that my car doesn't rust as quickly as these carts!

    And, incidentally, I think a merit badge IS in order!

    Kyle, I thought I had the over-developed sense of guilt!
