Thursday, July 15, 2010

(Not So) Descpicable Me

John and I just went and saw Despicable Me. It's super cute. We saw it in 3D and really enjoyed it! 2 thumbs up... even better than Toy Story 3... at least, I thought so!


  1. i can't believe you didn't post the greatest part of the entire film (John might call it the 'great white buffalo moment'):

  2. wait, i just re-read your post. the comment that it's better than toy story 3 is unforgivable. you may have enjoyed it more, but it's certainly not a better film on any account. shocked and disappointed. this may have canceled out the pibb post. boo.

  3. That is an awesome part, but it was on the previews ;) Don't know if you saw it in 3D, but the roller coaster felt like you were on it!

  4. Being a huge fan of an easy laugh, I loved BOTH movies. The stories are fun, touching and interesting. HOWEVER, I'd be very hesitant to let a young child see Toy Story cuz it really has some scary (for kids) parts.
